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The norm of estrogen in the female body: how to determine the level and how can it be adjusted?

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Estrogens are a group of major female hormones. They are produced by the ovaries and are the "creators" of the female figure, beauty and health. Under the influence of estrogen, the uterus and fallopian tubes, vagina and mammary glands develop. It is these hormones that stimulate the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics-best anti estrogen supplements.

Estrogens are responsible for all structural changes in the tissues of the reproductive system, they regulate the timely rejection of the endometrium during menstruation and the renewal of the vaginal mucosa. The active influence of hormones extends not only to the reproductive system, but also to other organs that are sensitive to the action of estrogen: the bone and cartilage apparatus, blood vessels and heart, urethra and bladder, nervous system, skin and its appendages.

It is thanks to estrogens that the number of bone tissue cells (osteoblasts) grows, strengthening the skeleton. Sex hormones also take part in the formation of melanocytes, fibroblasts and collagen, so it is thanks to them that the hair shines and the skin remains smooth. Strengthening of the vascular walls is also part of the task of estrogens. In addition, the hormone has anti-atherogenic properties and can reduce the likelihood of developing vascular diseases.

The estrogen group includes three types of hormones: estradiol, estriol and estrone. Estradiol (E2) is considered the most active and most numerous in the female body. As a rule, when it comes to estrogens, this hormone is meant.

What is the norm of estrogen in women, what are the symptoms of low and high estrogen levels, and how to normalize estrogen, we will explain in the article.

What is the rate of estrogen in the body

Estrogen levels fluctuate throughout life. Until adolescence, the hormone is produced in small quantities, but gradually the ovaries secrete more and more sex hormones, the amount of estrogen increases - and the girl turns into a woman.

But even after the stabilization of the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels do not remain static. So, within a month, the amount of estradiol gradually increases, reaching a peak on the days of ovulation and decreasing towards the end of the luteal phase (provided that pregnancy has not occurred).

The rate of the hormone estrogen in women depends on the day of the cycle:

14.0–511.2 pmol/l — on the days of the follicular phase (about 14 days);

558.8–1336.8 pmol/l during the ovulatory phase (19–23 days);

129.0-704.6 pmol / l - during the luteal phase (until the 28th day).

When planning a pregnancy, it is important to take into account the amount of estrogen on different days of the cycle: during the period of ovulation, the likelihood of conception increases. With the onset of pregnancy, the need for estrogen increases. A growing fetus needs a larger uterus. Numerous strong vessels are needed to provide oxygen and prevent bleeding. All of these processes require estrogens. Therefore, during this period, estradiol is produced not only by the ovaries, but also by the placenta.

The rate of estrogen in the blood during pregnancy depends on the trimester, the maximum content of hormones occurs at the time of childbirth. I trimester - 40-3150 pg / ml; II trimester - 680-16600 pg / ml; III trimester - 45-33700 pg / ml. After the birth of the baby, the level of estrogen in women by the fourth day returns to prenatal levels.

In menopause - the period of extinction of the reproductive function - the level of sex hormones decreases significantly. The norm of estrogen in women after 40 years is only 15-93 pg / ml [3] . It is the lack of estrogen that explains the withering of the skin, fragility of bones and other age-related changes. And this is a completely natural process. However, an insufficient amount of the female hormone occurs at a younger age, in which case we are talking about pathology.

Low estrogen levels: how to recognize

A decrease in the level of the main female hormone (hypoestrogen) in the reproductive age in its manifestations resembles a picture of menopause. Symptoms include mood swings, hot flashes, brittle hair and nails, skin pigmentation, and heart pain. Estrogen deficiency for a long period is dangerous with consequences in the form of osteoporosis (excessive bone fragility), heart attacks and strokes, chronic atrophic diseases of the genitourinary tract.

Reasons for low estrogen levels may include:

too intense sports;

big weight loss;

unbalanced diet, which is dominated by carbohydrates and not enough fat;

bad habits;

endocrine disorders (hypogonadism, hyperprolactinemia, pituitary dwarfism);

chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs;

transferred operations on the ovaries;

taking certain chemotherapy drugs, including oral hormonal contraceptives [4] .

Causes and symptoms of elevated levels.

Another critical condition for the hormonal system is an excessive increase in the amount of sex hormones - hyperestrogenism.

An increase in estrogen levels in women can be triggered by:

liver diseases;

hormone-secreting ovarian tumors;

endometrioid cysts;


taking certain medicines.

Symptoms of hyperestrogenism are also skin rashes, increased blood pressure. But, most importantly, there is a failure of the menstrual function: menstruation becomes irregular, painful, plentiful. In this case, the process of normal restoration of the endometrium is disrupted and the risk of developing uterine cancer increases. Prolonged hyperestrogenism is dangerous for the occurrence of infertility, atherosclerosis, breast cancer, uterine fibroids.

Ways to correct hormonal levels

Methods for restoring hormonal balance in hypo- and hyperestrogenism are similar. First of all, it is necessary to adjust the daily routine and nutrition, to abandon bad habits. Sometimes this is enough. But in most cases, the doctor also prescribes hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or the intake of phytoestrogens - plant analogues of sex hormones.

It is worth noting that HRT has an impressive list of contraindications, among which, in particular, endometriosis and uterine fibroids are diseases characteristic of the menopause period. The list of side effects is also rather big:

soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands;

increased appetite and, as a result, weight gain;

dryness of the vaginal mucosa;

fast fatiguability;

acne and seborrhea.

The use of phytoestrogens has far fewer restrictions and side effects. In their structure, these natural substances resemble natural female estradiol. With a lack of sex hormone, they act as its "understudy". With an increased amount of estradiol, they give the opposite, antiestrogenic effect: “plant hormones” take the place of real excess estrogens at the cellular level and restore balance.

Today, one of the most studied phytoestrogens is genistein. Studies have proven its effectiveness in reducing some of the symptoms of menopausal hypoestrogenism. In addition to restoring hormonal balance, genistein has the same positive effect as natural estrogens:

increases bone mineral density, protecting against osteoporosis;

stimulates the production of collagen, preventing photoaging of the skin;

supports joint health by regulating cellular turnover in articular cartilage.

Women's beauty and health directly depend on how much estrogen is contained in the body. Fortunately, their level can be adjusted. But do not forget that only a specialist should diagnose and prescribe treatment.


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The norm of estrogen in the female body: how to determine the level and how can it be adjusted?

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